0000078: [Infinitode 2] Unable to load all frames when continuing
0000120: [Infinitode 2] Music doesn't stop when game is closed (administrator)
0000257: [Infinitode 2] Music stops every time (therainycat)
0000461: [Infinitode 2] Waves don't loop enemy spawns with multiple portals (administrator)
0000093: [Infinitode 2] Orange Cases RNG changed/bugged (therainycat)
0000109: [Infinitode 2] Fix cached Music (therainycat)
0000150: [Infinitode 2] Antiair Sprite (therainycat)
0000165: [Infinitode 2] Projectiles do no damage (therainycat)
0000254: [Infinitode 2] Crash when reloading long games. (therainycat)
0000263: [Infinitode 2] some waves give unlimited tile packs (therainycat)
0000133: [Infinitode 2] Splash Proj/Frame Limit (therainycat)
0000188: [Infinitode 2] не могу сменить ник или или обнулить учетку. (therainycat)
0000058: [Infinitode 2] 100% Drop Rate (therainycat)
0000189: [Infinitode 2] Start in middle game (therainycat)
0000201: [Infinitode 2] Tower Stat Equations Bug or Tooltip Error (therainycat)
15 issues View Issues