Scheduled For Release 2024-10-05
0002444: [Infinitode 2] Regeneration effect particles keep animating after enemy dies inside Crusher tower (therainycat)
0002563: [Infinitode 2] Inventory button temporarily blocked by "Now playing" popup
0002534: [Infinitode 2] Venom Potent poison runs into 30 aspd cap
0002533: [Infinitode 2] Tesla Ultimate capped by 30 attack speed
0002411: [Infinitode 2] information of the research
0002556: [Infinitode 2] profile XP text issue (therainycat)
0002585: [Infinitode 2] Mailbox message can't deal with \n ? (therainycat)
0002471: [Infinitode 2] Possible to complete wave quests without rewards (therainycat)
0002485: [Infinitode 2] Gauss sprite (therainycat)
0002514: [Infinitode 2] Imported levels crash because of non-existent Stage id (therainycat)
0002522: [Infinitode 2] global multiplier game values show a + mark instead of x (+0.5 for example) (therainycat)
0002567: [Infinitode 2] incorrect xp level displayed after removing balance mod (therainycat)
0002576: [Infinitode 2] The last 5 levels of Basic's Ricochet Chance upgrade are useless (therainycat)
0002588: [Infinitode 2] The upper limit of Sources is only 500 (therainycat)
0002560: [Infinitode 2] Missile Explosion Range (therainycat)
0002584: [Infinitode 2] Freezing tower self research when using Flamethrower (therainycat)
0002510: [Infinitode 2] Nanoparticles can kill enemies with loop's extra damage (therainycat)
0002513: [Infinitode 2] item giver gamevalue is buggy (therainycat)
9 of 18 issue(s) resolved. Progress (50%). View Issues