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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002514Infinitode 2[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2024-08-10 13:40
Reporterharakat Assigned Totherainycat  
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
PlatformMobileOSAndroidOS VersionAny
Product Version1.9.0 (Season 3) 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002514: Imported levels crash because of non-existent Stage id

if someone's sharing a level in stage 7 and the person who will copy it from url or json doesn't have stage 7 the level will crash when clicked

it should change its level id to A for example when a stage id is not found

also the stage id is minimum characters when being added is 2 while every other stage has 1 character so, remove that limit

Steps To Reproduce

upload a level in stage 7, clear data, then import it without having a stage 7

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-06 11:49 harakat New Issue
2024-08-07 16:49 therainycat Assigned To => therainycat
2024-08-07 16:49 therainycat Status new => acknowledged
2024-08-10 13:40 therainycat Priority high => normal