View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002421Infinitode 2[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2024-07-15 00:34
ReporterOofster Assigned Totherainycat  
PrioritylowSeveritytextReproducibilityunable to reproduce
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformDesktopOSWindowsOS VersionAny
Product Version1.9.0 (Season 3) 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002421: Quest text remains enlarged upon completion until you quit to the main menu.

Upon completing "Score gained during one game", the animation for it growing to show completion froze, and it got stuck at the height of its size increase.

Steps To Reproduce

I am unable to reproduce it, but a likely cause seems to be because I completed another quest for defeating waves, and the time when it went offscreen was at the same time I completed the score quest.

TagsGlitch, Quests, UX/UI/Visual


duplicate of 0002400 resolvedtherainycat In-level quests appearing on top of each other when exiting and entering the level 




2024-05-19 15:50




2024-07-15 00:34

administrator   ~0002520

Closing this issue and linking it to the other one related to the quest list.
This thing has to be reworked completely anyways.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-05-19 15:50 Oofster New Issue
2024-05-19 15:50 Oofster Tag Attached: Glitch
2024-05-19 15:50 Oofster Tag Attached: Quests
2024-05-19 15:50 Oofster Tag Attached: UX/UI/Visual
2024-05-19 15:50 Oofster File Added: image_2024-05-19_154856451.png
2024-05-19 15:50 Oofster File Added: image_2024-05-19_154913985.png
2024-05-19 15:50 Oofster File Added: image_2024-05-19_154925455.png
2024-05-20 21:23 therainycat Assigned To => therainycat
2024-05-20 21:23 therainycat Status new => acknowledged
2024-07-15 00:34 therainycat Status acknowledged => closed
2024-07-15 00:34 therainycat Resolution open => duplicate
2024-07-15 00:34 therainycat Note Added: 0002520
2024-07-15 00:34 therainycat Relationship added duplicate of 0002400