View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002296Infinitode 2[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2024-03-05 12:01
ReporterBoomerkuwanger Assigned Toadministrator  
PrioritynormalSeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformMobileOSAndroidOS VersionAny
Product Version1.8.10 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002296: Crash afk mining

I crashed randomly ingame after placing a miner. When I reloaded my game the waves wouldnt come even if I called them and my miner would keep mining. I left my phone on all night and got a decent amount of resources for my low prestige level. I've crashed before from placing miners but never got waves to stop. I noticed after selling crusher there was a regular that never died maybe but when it did the waves still didn't come. The crusher is probably what broke it with combination of crash I think. I never crash on 6.3 for whatever reason. I crashed on level 4.4 and I was playing on easy. I've crashed on other levels but that's most recent crash.

Steps To Reproduce

I think you need a crusher with enemy inside and build miners might have to be near projectiles or just random I'm not sure. If crash fixed in general don't really need crusher but if you want same result for afk farming build crusher I think.

Additional Information

I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S7.

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2024-01-01 16:32




2024-02-26 13:00

administrator   ~0002192

Have you been able to reproduce this issue again?



2024-03-05 12:01

administrator   ~0002194

Please send a screenshot of the crash report screen next time it happens. Unfortunately, I can not reproduce this issue.
Also wondering how you've managed to play for almost 8 hours and beat only 79 waves...

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-01 16:32 Boomerkuwanger New Issue
2024-01-01 16:32 Boomerkuwanger File Added: Screenshot_20240101-080259_Infinitode 2.jpg
2024-02-26 13:00 administrator Note Added: 0002192
2024-02-26 13:00 administrator Assigned To => administrator
2024-02-26 13:00 administrator Status new => feedback
2024-03-05 12:01 therainycat Note Added: 0002194
2024-03-05 12:01 therainycat Status feedback => closed
2024-03-05 12:01 therainycat Resolution open => unable to reproduce