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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002202Infinitode 2[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2023-07-07 14:14
Reporterharakat Assigned Totherainycat  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMobileOSAndroidOS VersionAny
Product Version 
Target Version1.9.0 (Season 3)Fixed in Version1.8.10 
Summary0002202: Portal's enemy Configuration isn't loaded correctly

It doesn't load correctly (even when loaded by from json option) when there are many different portals with different enemy
Configurations and some loaded configurations will be always set to (start at wave 1 and spawn endlessly) which limits map designs

Luckily there's a workaround, enabling boss enemies (star) and leaving it at (start at wave 1 and spawn endlessly) seems to make the current portal's enemy configurations load correctly so adding it to all portals fixes the issue and choosing the right boss spawn would be by putting that portal in the left-bottom corner

Steps To Reproduce

Put many (five to ten) portals with many different enemy Configurations and save them, leave the game and start it up again
Now check the portals to find out that one or two enemy configurations resetted to (start at wave 1 and spawn endlessly) in some portals

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2023-02-05 23:10

trusted_reporter   ~0002083

Sorry, i meant right boss spawn would be by putting that portal in the most right-bottom corner



2023-03-17 11:35

administrator   ~0002093

Can you provide some screenshots? The one where you edit the configuration of the portal and another one with an actual configuration of the portal in-game.
I can't figure out rn what could be the cause or if it is related somehow to the number of portals you use simultaneously



2023-03-17 13:34




2023-03-17 13:34

trusted_reporter   ~0002106

Second screenshot is how it looks after you restart the game with the boss spawn range set from 1 to infinite
First one is how it loaded after i disabled boss spawn on the same portal and restarted the game
This map has 23 portals right now



2023-03-17 13:40

trusted_reporter   ~0002107

Notice how the fighter's spawn range was set to 1 to infinite instead of 55 to infinite when the game was restarted
Also it happens randomly to some portals and a small amount of them aren't affected by this for some reason

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-02-05 23:09 harakat New Issue
2023-02-05 23:10 harakat Note Added: 0002083
2023-03-17 11:35 therainycat Note Added: 0002093
2023-03-17 11:35 therainycat Assigned To => therainycat
2023-03-17 11:35 therainycat Status new => feedback
2023-03-17 13:34 harakat File Added: Screenshot_٢٠٢٣٠٣١٧-١٣٠٦٢٠.png
2023-03-17 13:34 harakat File Added: Screenshot_٢٠٢٣٠٣١٧-١٣٠٥٢٣.png
2023-03-17 13:34 harakat File Added: Screenshot_٢٠٢٣٠٣١٧-١٣٠٥١٩.png
2023-03-17 13:34 harakat Note Added: 0002106
2023-03-17 13:34 harakat Status feedback => assigned
2023-03-17 13:40 harakat Note Added: 0002107
2023-03-17 13:59 therainycat Target Version => 1.9.0 (Season 3)
2023-03-17 23:59 therainycat Status assigned => acknowledged
2023-07-07 14:14 therainycat Status acknowledged => resolved
2023-07-07 14:14 therainycat Resolution open => fixed
2023-07-07 14:14 therainycat Fixed in Version => 1.8.10