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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001677Infinitode 2 Ideas[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2021-05-23 01:06
ReporterAnonymous Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0001677: Faster lucky wheel spinning

When playing with max loot frequency and rarity on 6.3, i get 0000375:0000300 lucky shot tickets in like 10 minutes.
So after I farmed for 2 hours, I have more than 3000 lucky shot tickets.
Using them takes so much time.
Even when using a macro to can use them while being afk takes ages because it only takes such a low amount of time to get more tickets.
There are 2 possible options to speed up the progress:
1) increase the speed the wheel is spinning so it only spins for like 1 second or
2) make a research (or option) that unlocks a slider at the wheel where you can choose a lucky shot multiplier. This multipier will increase the cost of needed luckyshot tickets but will also increase the loot you get. If the multiplier is higher than 1, you cannot use accelerators for those wheels (so only 2 respins in total). Changing the multiplier will only affect the next but not the current wheel.

Steps To Reproduce

I am at the lucky wheel and my current multipier is 1 so everthing works normal.
If I change it to 2, nothing will happen on the current wheel but the costs for 'new wheel' will be 2 lucky shot tickets.
If I press 'new wheel' then, all rewards on the wheel are doubled (compared to 1x multiplier) and I have the one free spin. After it I can respin for 4 lucky shot tickets but not for accelerators. After the first respin I have a second respin available for additional 4 lucky shot tickets.
After that I cannot do any extra spin at all, changing the lucky shot multiplier only affects the next but not the current wheel.
In total I could use 10 tickets per wheel.

An even higher multiplier will obviously increase the speed lucky shot tickets can be used and also the costs for each wheel but overall you don't lose or get more rewards.

Additional Information

You maybe also do the first 2 respins for accelerators, but people would find a way to abuse this if there were more respins possible.
A way to abuse it:
Safe to cload, look what you would get with 2 respins and decide if it's good or not
If it's good then load from cload, set multiplier to max and spin the next wheel
If it's bad just safe to cload and repeat the steps.

This feature is only for people who have more lucky shot tickets than they could ever use and have 100 more tickets than accelerators (so they wouldn't respin for accelerators).

TagsIdea, QoL

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-05-22 19:36 Anonymous New Issue
2021-05-22 19:36 Anonymous Tag Attached: Idea
2021-05-22 19:36 Anonymous Tag Attached: QoL
2021-05-22 19:47 Anonymous Note Added: 0001529
2021-05-22 20:39 Anonymous Note Added: 0001530
2021-05-23 00:13 Anonymous Note Added: 0001531
2021-05-23 01:06 therainycat Project Infinitode 2 => Infinitode 2 Ideas