View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002644Infinitode 2[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2025-03-25 01:38
ReporterStalkjer Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformMobileOSAndroidOS Version15
Product Version1.9.2 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002644: Early game crash - Nubia REDMAGIC 10 Pro

Game crashes every time when loading ends. Even during 1st app open after installation

Steps To Reproduce
  1. Launch game
  2. Wait till loading ends
Additional Information

I recently switched to ZTE Nubia Redmagic 10.
I had decent progress & purchase made on old phone.
Logs attached

TagsNo tags attached.




2025-03-25 01:38


Nubia10pro-crash_logs.txt (129,187 bytes)
00:17:34.569 CAS.AI      com...eside.tdi2  W  Create [Prado] adapter not found: com.cleveradssolutions.adapters.PradoAdapter
00:17:34.569 CAS.AI      com...eside.tdi2  W  Create [Kidoz] adapter not found: com.cleveradssolutions.adapters.KidozAdapter
00:17:34.582 CAS.AI      com...eside.tdi2  W  In [Facebook] Audience Network Data Processing Options for US Users is not implemented.
                                              Please read the Additional Meta AudienceNetwork steps page on our wiki.
00:17:34.597 cr_media    com...eside.tdi2  W  BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission is missing.
00:17:34.597 Adre...NOWN com...eside.tdi2  I  Using previously loaded IMapper library.
00:17:34.597 cr_media    com...eside.tdi2  W  getBluetoothAdapter() requires BLUETOOTH permission
00:17:34.597 cr_media    com...eside.tdi2  W  registerBluetoothIntentsIfNeeded: Requires BLUETOOTH permission
00:17:34.599 Adre...NOWN com...eside.tdi2  I  Using previously loaded IMapper library.
00:17:34.600 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  QUALCOMM build          : e1e25c2793, I95c8bc5752
                                              Build Date              : 12/03/24
                                              Shader Compiler Version : E031.47.18.13
                                              Local Branch            : 
                                              Remote Branch           : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.VENDOR.
                                              Remote Branch           : NONE
                                              Reconstruct Branch      : NOTHING
00:17:34.600 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  Build Config            : S P 18.0.0 AArch64
00:17:34.600 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  Driver Path             : /vendor/lib64/hw/
00:17:34.600 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  Driver Version          : 0800.21
00:17:34.600 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  PFP                     : 0x01500264
00:17:34.600 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  ME                      : 0x01500012
00:17:34.600 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  Application Name    : 
                                              Application Version : 0x00000001
                                              Engine Name         : 
                                              Engine Version      : 0x00000001
                                              Api Version         : 0x00403000
00:17:34.603 CasA...ider com...eside.tdi2  I  buildManager complete, error: null
00:17:34.605 iron... API com...eside.tdi2  I  setAdaptersDebug : false
00:17:34.606 iron... API com...eside.tdi2  I  p a
00:17:34.606 iron... API com...eside.tdi2  I  p a - Enabling rewarded video manual mode
00:17:34.610 Adre...NOWN com...eside.tdi2  I  Using previously loaded IMapper library.
00:17:34.611 iron... API com...eside.tdi2  I  p a - init(appKey:1a0ce7d85)
00:17:34.614 Adre...NOWN com...eside.tdi2  I  Using previously loaded IMapper library.
00:17:34.616 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  QUALCOMM build          : e1e25c2793, I95c8bc5752
                                              Build Date              : 12/03/24
                                              Shader Compiler Version : E031.47.18.13
                                              Local Branch            : 
                                              Remote Branch           : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.VENDOR.
                                              Remote Branch           : NONE
                                              Reconstruct Branch      : NOTHING
00:17:34.616 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  Build Config            : S P 18.0.0 AArch64
00:17:34.616 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  Driver Path             : /vendor/lib64/hw/
00:17:34.616 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  Driver Version          : 0800.21
00:17:34.616 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  PFP                     : 0x01500264
00:17:34.616 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  ME                      : 0x01500012
00:17:34.616 AdrenoVK-0  com...eside.tdi2  I  Application Name    : Chromium
                                              Application Version : 0x00000000
                                              Engine Name         : (null)
                                              Engine Version      : 0x00000000
                                              Api Version         : 0x00401000
00:17:34.617 chromium    com...eside.tdi2  W  [] VizNullHypothesis is disabled (not a warning)
00:17:34.630 Audi...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime audio/alac
00:17:34.631 Audi...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime audio/x-ape
00:17:34.631 Audi...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime audio/dsd
00:17:34.631 Audi...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime audio/amr-wb-plus
00:17:34.631 Audi...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime audio/amr-wb+
00:17:34.631 Audi...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma
00:17:34.631 Audi...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime audio/alac
00:17:34.631 Audi...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime audio/x-ape
00:17:34.633 Vide...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime image/
00:17:34.633 Vide...ties com...eside.tdi2  W  Unsupported mime image/
00:17:34.640 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:34.642 CAS.AI      com...eside.tdi2  W  In [AdMob] The Google Mobile Ads SDK was integrated incorrectly.
                                              Please replace 'ca-app-pub-5636049984270410~7224716802' to a valid 'ca-app-pub-6480664593997158~8173269992' value
                                              of <meta-data> with '' name inside the AndroidManifest.xml.
00:17:34.651 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:34.660 Dyna...dule com...eside.tdi2  I  Considering local module and remote module
00:17:34.660 Dyna...dule com...eside.tdi2  I  Selected remote version of, version >= 250505301
00:17:34.667 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Updating ad debug logging enablement.
00:17:34.669 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Update ad debug logging enablement as false
00:17:34.670 Bitm...tory com...eside.tdi2  E  Unable to decode file: /data/resource-cache/cache/icon-cache/icon/icon/com_prineside_tdi2.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
00:17:34.677 Dyna...dule com...eside.tdi2  I  Considering local module and remote module
00:17:34.677 Dyna...dule com...eside.tdi2  I  Selected remote version of, version >= 250505301
00:17:34.679 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Use RequestConfiguration.Builder().setTestDeviceIds(Arrays.asList("EAF29F1B4388D90E8A6DD97FCDA16A9E")) to get test ads on this device.
00:17:34.691 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  E  No package ID 76 found for resource ID 0x760b000f.
00:17:34.692 Serv...tils com...eside.tdi2  W  Dynamic lookup for intent failed for action:
00:17:34.700 Dyna...dule com...eside.tdi2  W  Local module descriptor class for not found.
00:17:34.705 Dyna...dule com...eside.tdi2  I  Considering local module and remote module
00:17:34.705 Prov...ller com...eside.tdi2  W  Failed to load providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote version is 0.
00:17:34.705 Prov...ller com...eside.tdi2  W  Failed to report request stats: [class android.content.Context, long, long]
00:17:34.710 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:34.710 Serv...tils com...eside.tdi2  W  Dynamic lookup for intent failed for action:
00:17:34.719 Prov...ller com...eside.tdi2  I  Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
00:17:34.725 Goog...ager com...eside.tdi2  E  Failed to get service from broker. 
                                              java.lang.SecurityException: Unknown calling package name ''.
                                              	at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(
                                              	at android.os.Parcel.createException(
                                              	at android.os.Parcel.readException(
                                              	at android.os.Parcel.readException(
                                              	at atpx.a([email protected] (260400-738233885):36)
                                              	at atoe.z([email protected] (260400-738233885):143)
                                              	at[email protected] (260400-738233885):54)
                                              	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
                                              	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
                                              	at[email protected] (260400-738233885):1)
                                              	at caru.dispatchMessage([email protected] (260400-738233885):5)
                                              	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
                                              	at android.os.Looper.loop(
00:17:34.737 Flag...trar com...eside.tdi2  W  Failed to register
                                              evyy: 17: 17: API: Phenotype.API is not available on this device. Connection failed with: ConnectionResult{statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR, resolution=null, message=null}
                                              	at evza.a([email protected] (260400-738233885):13)
                                              	at fqen.d([email protected] (260400-738233885):3)
                                              	at[email protected] (260400-738233885):130)
                                              	at fqgw.execute([email protected] (260400-738233885):1)
                                              	at fqex.f([email protected] (260400-738233885):1)
                                              	at fqex.m([email protected] (260400-738233885):99)
                                              	at fqex.r([email protected] (260400-738233885):17)
                                              	at eoop.hF([email protected] (260400-738233885):35)
                                              	at[email protected] (260400-738233885):14)
                                              	at fqgw.execute([email protected] (260400-738233885):1)
                                              	at ecxa.b([email protected] (260400-738233885):18)
                                              	at ecxp.b([email protected] (260400-738233885):36)
                                              	at ecxr.d([email protected] (260400-738233885):25)
                                              	at assw.c([email protected] (260400-738233885):9)
                                              	at asvm.q([email protected] (260400-738233885):48)
                                              	at asvm.d([email protected] (260400-738233885):10)
                                              	at asvm.g([email protected] (260400-738233885):211)
                                              	at asvm.onConnectionFailed([email protected] (260400-738233885):2)
                                              	at[email protected] (260400-738233885):82)
                                              	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
                                              	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
                                              	at[email protected] (260400-738233885):1)
                                              	at caru.dispatchMessage([email protected] (260400-738233885):5)
                                              	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
                                              	at android.os.Looper.loop(
                                              Caused by: asrl: 17: API: Phenotype.API is not available on this device. Connection failed with: ConnectionResult{statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR, resolution=null, message=null}
                                              	at atnq.a([email protected] (260400-738233885):15)
                                              	at assz.a([email protected] (260400-738233885):1)
                                              	at assw.c([email protected] (260400-738233885):5)
                                              	at asvm.q([email protected] (260400-738233885):48) 
                                              	at asvm.d([email protected] (260400-738233885):10) 
                                              	at asvm.g([email protected] (260400-738233885):211) 
                                              	at asvm.onConnectionFailed([email protected] (260400-738233885):2) 
                                              	at[email protected] (260400-738233885):82) 
                                              	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( 
                                              	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
                                              	at[email protected] (260400-738233885):1) 
                                              	at caru.dispatchMessage([email protected] (260400-738233885):5) 
                                              	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce( 
                                              	at android.os.Looper.loop( 
00:17:34.747 AdQu...nent com...eside.tdi2  I  starting
00:17:34.747 AdQu...utor com...eside.tdi2  I  adding listener to dao
00:17:34.747 AdQu...utor com...eside.tdi2  I  beacon executor starting
00:17:34.747 AdQu...utor com...eside.tdi2  I  beacon handler execute
00:17:34.748 AdQu...yDao com...eside.tdi2  I  peek
00:17:34.845 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  JS: The jsLoaded GMSG has been sent (
00:17:34.859 Inne...ning com...eside.tdi2  W  It is recomended to add the READ_PHONE_STATE permission to the manifest for better targetting
00:17:34.863 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:34.863 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.100 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Created omid javascript session service.
00:17:35.119 iron...ERAL com...eside.tdi2  I  TCF Additional Consent: 2~
00:17:35.119 iron...ERAL com...eside.tdi2  I  CMP ID: 300
00:17:35.119 iron...ERAL com...eside.tdi2  I  Network Consent Reporting:
00:17:35.119 iron...ERAL com...eside.tdi2  I  ----------------------------
00:17:35.119 iron...ERAL com...eside.tdi2  I  Facebook: true
00:17:35.128 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.128 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.137 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.145 iron...RNAL com...eside.tdi2  E  AdapterRepository: Error while loading adapter - exception = com.ironsource.adapters.tapjoy.TapjoyAdapter
00:17:35.145 iron...RNAL com...eside.tdi2  E  AdapterRepository: Tapjoy adapter was not loaded
00:17:35.145 iron...RNAL com...eside.tdi2  E  c b - error creating network adapter Tapjoy_14079723
00:17:35.153 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I (line:487) :: Initializing Unity Services 4.12.3 (41203) with game id 5253257 in production mode, session 958a01c7-c557-451e-bbbb-8382527d4b17
00:17:35.154 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I (line:531) :: Unity Services environment check OK
00:17:35.161 iron...RNAL com...eside.tdi2  E  AdapterRepository: Error while loading adapter - exception = com.ironsource.adapters.tapjoy.TapjoyAdapter
00:17:35.161 iron...RNAL com...eside.tdi2  E  AdapterRepository: Tapjoy adapter was not loaded
00:17:35.161 iron...RNAL com...eside.tdi2  E  c b - error creating network adapter Tapjoy_14079723
00:17:35.165 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I$doWork$2.invokeSuspend() (line:66) :: Unity Ads init: load configuration from
00:17:35.170 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.170 Dyna...dule com...eside.tdi2  I  Considering local module and remote module
00:17:35.170 Dyna...dule com...eside.tdi2  I  Selected remote version of, version >= 250505301
00:17:35.171 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.176 AppMetrica  com...eside.tdi2  I  AppMetrica [313-IAA-CDE-1] Initializing of AppMetrica, Release type, Version 7.2.0, API Level 115, Dated 11.09.2024.
00:17:35.176 AppMetrica  com...eside.tdi2  I  AppMetrica [313-IAA-CDE-1] Activate reporter with APIKey 478cb909-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx9f93
00:17:35.177 AppMetrica  com...eside.tdi2  I  AppMetrica [313-IAA-CDE-1] Activate reporter with APIKey 20799a27-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx4180
00:17:35.178 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.210 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:35.214 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  GET LOCATION COMPILED
00:17:35.218 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:35.222 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:35.230 ExoP...Impl com...eside.tdi2  I  Init dbaa493 [AndroidXMedia3/1.6.0-alpha01] [NX789J, NX789J, nubia, 35]
00:17:35.236 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  ExoPlayerAdapter initialized.
00:17:35.244 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  JS: The jsLoaded GMSG has been sent (
00:17:35.411 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:36) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
00:17:35.431 DMCo...tory com...eside.tdi2  I  Creating an asynchronous MediaCodec adapter for track type audio
00:17:35.436 Code...ient com...eside.tdi2  I  Available Codec2 services: "default" "default2" "software"
00:17:35.439 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:35.447 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:35.450 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 21 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:35.451 MediaCodec  com...eside.tdi2  I  MediaCodec will operate in async mode
00:17:35.452 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  W  This behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.
00:17:35.452 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 21 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:35.453 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 350 - OK
00:17:35.453 DMABUFHEAPS com...eside.tdi2  I  Using DMA-BUF heap named: system
00:17:35.454 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:35.455 DMCo...tory com...eside.tdi2  I  Creating an asynchronous MediaCodec adapter for track type video
00:17:35.458 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:35.459 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:35.459 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component [c2.qti.hevc.decoder]
00:17:35.462 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 18 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:35.462 ColorUtils  com...eside.tdi2  W  expected specified color aspects (0:0:0:0)
00:17:35.462 MediaCodec  com...eside.tdi2  I  MediaCodec will operate in async mode
00:17:35.463 MediaCodec  com...eside.tdi2  I  [c2.qti.hevc.decoder] setting surface generation to 27802625
00:17:35.463 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  W  This behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.
00:17:35.463 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 18 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:35.468 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [c2.qti.hevc.decoder#367] Created output block pool with allocatorID 18 => poolID 134 - OK
00:17:35.470 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:35.471 AudioSystem com...eside.tdi2  I  4DVibration: audio track created for uid:10591  package:com.prineside.tdi2
00:17:35.484 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [c2.qti.hevc.decoder#367] onWorkDone: updating max output delay 19
00:17:35.501 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Use RequestConfiguration.Builder().setTestDeviceIds(Arrays.asList("EAF29F1B4388D90E8A6DD97FCDA16A9E")) to get test ads on this device.
00:17:35.514 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:35.541 BGAd-Normal com...eside.tdi2  W  type=1400 audit(0.0:6438): avc:  denied  { read } for  name="drivers" dev="proc" ino=4026531854 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c79,c258,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_tty_drivers:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.prineside.tdi2
00:17:35.550 BigoAds     com...eside.tdi2  I  Initialized Bigo Ads SDK successfully.
00:17:35.580 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I$doWork$2.invokeSuspend() (line:82) :: Unity Ads init: webapp loaded from local cache
00:17:35.580 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:35.580 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:35.580 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:35.581 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:35.582 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:35.582 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:35.811 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Ad failed to load : 3
00:17:35.817 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Use RequestConfiguration.Builder().setTestDeviceIds(Arrays.asList("EAF29F1B4388D90E8A6DD97FCDA16A9E")) to get test ads on this device.
00:17:35.825 Inne...ning com...eside.tdi2  W  It is recomended to add the READ_PHONE_STATE permission to the manifest for better targetting
00:17:35.830 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.833 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:35.840 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.881 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:35.964 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  Cleared Reference was only reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
00:17:36.010 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:1) :: {"message":"model: DeviceInfo key: openAdvertisingTrackingId with value: null: null is not in: string,undefined","name":"CheckValueError"}
00:17:36.013 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~NHf3YJtdbyEt-ovU2M-nLw==/' with 2 weak references
00:17:36.014 System      com...eside.tdi2  W  A resource failed to call AbstractCursor.close. 
00:17:36.018 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:58) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
00:17:36.020 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:58) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
00:17:36.025 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I (line:1) :: Received configuration for token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.0iLdtOOu_Ujhzy19SVZ9ejcR7IFUMFrkfJBrgCA-fa0 (A/B group 0)
00:17:36.080 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I (line:1) :: [RemoteState}] Unified response available.
00:17:36.080 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I (line:1) :: Setting new header bidding token
00:17:36.083 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:36.084 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:36.090 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:56) :: Unity Ads failed to cast IABTCF_CmpSdkVersion: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
00:17:36.095 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I (line:1) :: Webview started using the latest version
00:17:36.110 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Ad failed to load : 3
00:17:36.115 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Use RequestConfiguration.Builder().setTestDeviceIds(Arrays.asList("EAF29F1B4388D90E8A6DD97FCDA16A9E")) to get test ads on this device.
00:17:36.137 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:36.376 Inne...ning com...eside.tdi2  W  It is recomended to add the READ_PHONE_STATE permission to the manifest for better targetting
00:17:36.378 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:36.379 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:36.444 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Ad failed to load : 3
00:17:36.448 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Use RequestConfiguration.Builder().setTestDeviceIds(Arrays.asList("EAF29F1B4388D90E8A6DD97FCDA16A9E")) to get test ads on this device.
00:17:36.472 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:36.574 JobService  com...eside.tdi2  W  onNetworkChanged() not implemented in Must override in a subclass.
00:17:36.589 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:58) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
00:17:36.693 TRun...kend com...eside.tdi2  I  Status Code: 200
00:17:36.944 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  Created omid javascript session service.
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Initialization
00:17:37.126 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Initialization"
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  ======== INFO ========
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  |- Configuration
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  |  |- version: R.1.9.2
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  |  |- build: 208
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  |  |- protocol: 208
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  |  |- debug mode: disabled
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  |  |- GDX app version: 35
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  |  |- GDX version: 1.12.1
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  `- Device
00:17:37.126 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- charset: UTF-8
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- user: zte
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- sdk: 35
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- bootloader: unknown
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- product: NX789J-EEA
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- display: RedMagicOS10.0.10MR1_NX789J_EEA
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- build_id: AQ3A.240812.002
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- model: NX789J
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- manufacturer: nubia
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- tags: release-keys
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- id: 406aabf378775dec
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- type: user
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- brand: nubia
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- device: NX789J
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- board: sun
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- instantapp: false
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- host: r5300-shr01-a201-ironic07
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- hardware: qcom
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- fingerprint: nubia/NX789J-EEA/NX789J:15/AQ3A.240812.002/RedMagicOS10.0.10MR1_NX789J_EEA:user/release-keys
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- system
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |  |- http.agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 15; NX789J Build/AQ3A.240812.002)
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |  |- ia.testEnvironmentConfiguration.removeInClose: true
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |  |- /data/user/0/com.prineside.tdi2/cache
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |  |- user.home: 
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |- runtime
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |  |- available processors: 8
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |  |- free memory: 89420000
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |  |- max memory: 268435456
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     |  `- total memory: 134450688
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I     `- graphics
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I        |- type: GLES
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I        |- version: 3.2.0
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I        |- renderer: Adreno (TM) 830
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I        |- vendor: Qualcomm
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I        |- back buffer size: 2688x1216
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I        |- density: 3.25
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I        `- max texture size: 16384
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  ======================
00:17:37.127 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Initialization" in 1.3060001ms
00:17:37.127 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Settings
00:17:37.127 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Settings"
00:17:37.128 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Settings" in 0.245ms
00:17:37.128 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Assets
00:17:37.128 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Assets"
00:17:37.170 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  I  Explicit concurrent mark compact GC freed 7741KB AllocSpace bytes, 80(4924KB) LOS objects, 75% free, 31MB/124MB, paused 1.191ms,933us total 41.005ms
00:17:37.170 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  memory: f 97549008 t 130065344 m 268435456 (assume 235919120)
00:17:37.171 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  basis atlas resourcepacks/default/textures/combined.basis.atlas not found
00:17:37.175 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:37.175 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:37.184 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  GET LOCATION COMPILED
00:17:37.187 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I (line:1) :: Accessing header bidding token with access count 0
00:17:37.191 ExoP...Impl com...eside.tdi2  I  Init bf75b46 [AndroidXMedia3/1.6.0-alpha01] [NX789J, NX789J, nubia, 35]
00:17:37.192 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  I  ExoPlayerAdapter initialized.
00:17:37.206 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:37.215 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:37.220 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:37.221 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:37.230 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:37.276 DMCo...tory com...eside.tdi2  I  Creating an asynchronous MediaCodec adapter for track type audio
00:17:37.277 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.279 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.279 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.281 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 21 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.283 MediaCodec  com...eside.tdi2  I  MediaCodec will operate in async mode
00:17:37.283 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  W  This behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.
00:17:37.283 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 21 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.284 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 352 - OK
00:17:37.285 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.286 DMCo...tory com...eside.tdi2  I  Creating an asynchronous MediaCodec adapter for track type video
00:17:37.287 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.289 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.289 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component [c2.qti.hevc.decoder]
00:17:37.292 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 18 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.292 ColorUtils  com...eside.tdi2  W  expected specified color aspects (0:0:0:0)
00:17:37.293 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:37.294 MediaCodec  com...eside.tdi2  I  MediaCodec will operate in async mode
00:17:37.294 MediaCodec  com...eside.tdi2  I  [c2.qti.hevc.decoder] setting surface generation to 27802626
00:17:37.295 iron...RNAL com...eside.tdi2  E  AdapterRepository: Error while loading adapter - exception = com.ironsource.adapters.tapjoy.TapjoyAdapter
00:17:37.296 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  W  This behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.
00:17:37.296 iron...RNAL com...eside.tdi2  E  AdapterRepository: Tapjoy adapter was not loaded
00:17:37.296 iron...RNAL com...eside.tdi2  E  c b - error creating network adapter Tapjoy_14079723
00:17:37.296 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 18 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.298 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:37.298 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  W (line:34) :: Invalid rule current for experiment
00:17:37.299 UnityAds    com...eside.tdi2  I (line:1) :: Accessing header bidding token with access count 1
00:17:37.300 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [c2.qti.hevc.decoder#53] Created output block pool with allocatorID 18 => poolID 136 - OK
00:17:37.301 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.310 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:37.324 Inne...ning com...eside.tdi2  W  It is recomended to add the READ_PHONE_STATE permission to the manifest for better targetting
00:17:37.324 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:37.326 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:37.329 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:37.332 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:37.336 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:37.339 Settings    com...eside.tdi2  W  Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
00:17:37.341 Ads         com...eside.tdi2  W  Not retrying to fetch app settings
00:17:37.365 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  allocated 19238kb to load the texture
00:17:37.390 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  I  Explicit concurrent mark compact GC freed 8013KB AllocSpace bytes, 32(6924KB) LOS objects, 72% free, 36MB/132MB, paused 372us,1.063ms total 25.146ms
00:17:37.392 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  using atlas 'resourcepacks/default/textures/combined.atlas' with 1287 regions
00:17:37.392 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  atlas texture size: 4096x4096
00:17:37.392 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  allocated 592kb to load the atlas
00:17:37.392 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  loaded 1 texture atlases from resource pack 'default'
00:17:37.424 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  loaded 1078 quads
00:17:37.425 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  loaded all sound tracks
00:17:37.427 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.427 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.428 Asse...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  External resource packs dir not found
00:17:37.429 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.429 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.429 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.429 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.430 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.431 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Assets" in 303.23203ms
00:17:37.431 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.432 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.432 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Cursor graphics
00:17:37.432 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Cursor graphics"
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Cursor graphics" in 0.080000006ms
00:17:37.433 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: XM music
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "XM music"
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "XM music" in 0.177ms
00:17:37.433 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Game values
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Game values"
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Game values" in 0.39000002ms
00:17:37.433 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Achievements
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Achievements"
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Achievements" in 0.037ms
00:17:37.433 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Analytics
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Analytics"
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Analytics" in 0.096ms
00:17:37.433 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Abilities
00:17:37.433 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.433 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Abilities"
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Abilities" in 0.24800001ms
00:17:37.434 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Statistics
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Statistics"
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Statistics" in 0.009000001ms
00:17:37.434 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Progress
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Progress"
00:17:37.434 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 355 - OK
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Progress" in 0.142ms
00:17:37.434 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Replays
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Replays"
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Replays" in 0.065000005ms
00:17:37.434 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Leader boards
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Leader boards"
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Leader boards" in 0.030000001ms
00:17:37.434 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Maps
00:17:37.434 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Maps"
00:17:37.435 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Maps" in 0.59300005ms
00:17:37.435 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Enemies
00:17:37.435 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Enemies"
00:17:37.435 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.437 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 356 - OK
00:17:37.439 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Enemies" in 4.3440003ms
00:17:37.439 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Units
00:17:37.439 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Units"
00:17:37.439 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.440 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Units" in 0.559ms
00:17:37.440 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Sounds
00:17:37.440 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Sounds"
00:17:37.440 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Sounds" in 0.30600002ms
00:17:37.440 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Shapes
00:17:37.440 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Shapes"
00:17:37.440 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Shapes" in 0.11400001ms
00:17:37.440 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Towers
00:17:37.440 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Towers"
00:17:37.442 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Towers" in 1.9440001ms
00:17:37.442 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Miners
00:17:37.442 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Miners"
00:17:37.442 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Miners" in 0.09ms
00:17:37.442 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Modifiers
00:17:37.442 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Modifiers"
00:17:37.442 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Modifiers" in 0.178ms
00:17:37.442 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Network
00:17:37.442 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Network"
00:17:37.443 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Network" in 0.15900001ms
00:17:37.443 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Tiles
00:17:37.443 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Tiles"
00:17:37.444 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Tiles" in 1.8220001ms
00:17:37.444 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Gates
00:17:37.444 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Gates"
00:17:37.445 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Gates" in 0.068ms
00:17:37.445 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Http
00:17:37.445 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Http"
00:17:37.445 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Http" in 0.0050000004ms
00:17:37.445 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Locales
00:17:37.445 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Locales"
00:17:37.445 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  main local file is good
00:17:37.445 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'en' en_US English
00:17:37.446 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'de' de_DE Deutsch
00:17:37.446 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.447 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'es' es_ES Español
00:17:37.448 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.448 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.448 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.449 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'fr' fr_FR Français
00:17:37.449 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.450 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'ja' ja_JP 日本語
00:17:37.450 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 358 - OK
00:17:37.451 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'it' it_IT Italiano
00:17:37.452 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'ko' ko_KR 한국어
00:17:37.452 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.453 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'pl' pl_PL Polski
00:17:37.454 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'pt' pt_BR Português do Brasil
00:17:37.456 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'ru' ru_RU Русский
00:17:37.457 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'tr' tr_TR Türkçe
00:17:37.457 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.458 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.458 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.458 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'uk' uk_UA Українська
00:17:37.459 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'zh' zh_TW 繁體中文
00:17:37.459 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.460 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'zh' zh_CN 简体中文
00:17:37.460 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.461 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 360 - OK
00:17:37.461 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'vi' vi_VN Tiếng Việt
00:17:37.462 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Registered 'id' id_ID Bahasa Indonesia
00:17:37.462 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  loaded
00:17:37.462 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Locales" in 17.405ms
00:17:37.463 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Payments
00:17:37.463 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Payments"
00:17:37.463 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Payments" in 0.060000002ms
00:17:37.463 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Items
00:17:37.463 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Items"
00:17:37.463 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Items" in 0.34ms
00:17:37.463 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Basic levels
00:17:37.463 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Basic levels"
00:17:37.463 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.473 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.474 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.474 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.475 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.476 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.477 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 362 - OK
00:17:37.479 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.479 Musi...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  registering new spectrum config com.prineside.tdi2.managers.MusicManager$SpectrumConfig@7e41784 { frequencies (85): [[10.8,34.65],[32.7,55.0],[55.0,77.78],[77.78,98.0],[98.0,123.47],[123.47,146.83],[146.83,164.81],[164.81,185.0],[185.0,207.65],[207.65,233.08],[233.08,261.63],[261.63,277.18],[277.18,293.66],[293.66,329.63],[329.63,349.23],[349.23,369.99],[369.99,392.0],[392.0,415.3],[415.3,440.0],[440.0,466.16],[466.16,493.88],[493.88,523.25],[523.25,554.37],[554.37,587.33],[587.33,622.25],[622.25,659.26],[659.26,698.46],[698.46,739.99],[739.99,783.99],[783.99,830.61],[830.61,880.0],[880.0,932.33],[932.33,987.77],[987.77,1046.5],[1046.5,1108.73],[1108.73,1174.66],[1174.66,1244.51],[1244.51,1318.51],[1318.51,1396.91],[1396.91,1479.98],[1479.98,1567.98],[1567.98,1661.22],[1661.22,1760.0],[1760.0,1864.66],[1864.66,1975.53],[1975.53,2093.0],[2093.0,2217.46],[2217.46,2349.32],[2349.32,2489.02],[2489.02,2637.02],[2637.02,2793.83],[2793.83,2959.96],[2959.96,3135.96],[3135.96,3322.44],[3322.44,3520.0],[3520.0,3729.31],[3729.31,3951.07],[3951.07,4186.01],[4186.01,4434.92],[4434.92,4698.64],[4698.64,4978.03],[4978.03,5274.04],[5274.04,5587.65],[5587.65,5919.91],[5919.91,6271.93],[6271.93,6644.88],[6644.88,7040.0],[7040.0,7458.62],[7458.62,7902.13],[7902.13,8372.02],[8372.02,8869.84],[8869.84,9397.27],[9397.27,9956.06],[9956.06,10548.0],[10548.0,11175.0],[11175.0,11839.0],[11839.0,12543.0],[12543.0,13289.0],[13289.0,14080.0],[14080.0,14917.0],[14917.0,15804.0],[15804.0,16744.0],[16744.0,17739.0],[17739.0,18794.0],[18794.0,19912.0]], fixedMaxValue: 0.0, maxValueEasing: 0.99 }
00:17:37.483 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Basic levels" in 19.632002ms
00:17:37.483 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Buffs
00:17:37.483 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Buffs"
00:17:37.483 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Buffs" in 0.328ms
00:17:37.483 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Custom maps
00:17:37.483 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Custom maps"
00:17:37.483 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Custom maps" in 0.023000002ms
00:17:37.483 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Researches
00:17:37.483 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Researches"
00:17:37.483 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Researches" in 0.075ms
00:17:37.483 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Triggered actions
00:17:37.483 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Triggered actions"
00:17:37.483 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Triggered actions" in 0.024ms
00:17:37.484 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Trophies
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Trophies"
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Trophies" in 0.19900002ms
00:17:37.484 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Daily quests
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Daily quests"
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Daily quests" in 0.097ms
00:17:37.484 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Resources
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Resources"
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Resources" in 0.023000002ms
00:17:37.484 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Secrets
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Secrets"
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Secrets" in 0.017ms
00:17:37.484 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Ratings
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Ratings"
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Ratings" in 0.024ms
00:17:37.484 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Tower stats
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Tower stats"
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Tower stats" in 0.15200001ms
00:17:37.484 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: UI
00:17:37.484 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "UI"
00:17:37.485 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "UI" in 0.521ms
00:17:37.485 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Debug
00:17:37.485 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Debug"
00:17:37.485 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Debug" in 0.28300002ms
00:17:37.485 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Scripts
00:17:37.485 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Scripts"
00:17:37.485 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Scripts" in 0.22000001ms
00:17:37.485 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Messages
00:17:37.485 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Messages"
00:17:37.485 Scri...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  generating luaPackageDefinitions
00:17:37.485 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Messages" in 0.079ms
00:17:37.485 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (1/46)
00:17:37.485 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (1/46)"
00:17:37.485 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 1/46 (PreferencesManager)
00:17:37.486 SP_Rating   com...eside.tdi2  I  lastResponse 0
00:17:37.486 SP_Rating   com...eside.tdi2  I  responseTimestamp 0 / 1742858257486
00:17:37.486 SP_Replay   com...eside.tdi2  I  loaded 0 replay IDs sent to the server
00:17:37.486 PP_D...uest com...eside.tdi2  I  no last completed daily quest timestamp
00:17:37.486 PP_D...uest com...eside.tdi2  I  last loaded daily quest id: 7 at 2025-03-24
00:17:37.486 PP_D...uest com...eside.tdi2  I  dailyLootDaysInRow 0
00:17:37.486 PP_Progress com...eside.tdi2  I  Double gain enabled by preferences
00:17:37.486 PP_Progress com...eside.tdi2  I  Steam reward not received according to preferences
00:17:37.486 PP_Progress com...eside.tdi2  I  difficulty mode: NORMAL
00:17:37.486 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (1/46)" in 1.079ms
00:17:37.486 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (2/46)
00:17:37.487 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (2/46)"
00:17:37.487 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 2/46 (AuthManager)
00:17:37.487 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (2/46)" in 0.35900003ms
00:17:37.487 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (3/46)
00:17:37.487 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (3/46)"
00:17:37.487 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 3/46 (ScreenManager)
00:17:37.487 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (3/46)" in 0.007ms
00:17:37.487 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (4/46)
00:17:37.487 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (4/46)"
00:17:37.487 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 4/46 (RenderingManager)
00:17:37.487 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (4/46)" in 0.006ms
00:17:37.487 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (5/46)
00:17:37.487 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (5/46)"
00:17:37.487 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 5/46 (SettingsManager)
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - IAP_DOUBLE_GAIN_ENABLED = true
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - IAP_GREEN_PAPER_ENABLED = true
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - IAP_ACCELERATOR_ENABLED = true
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - IAP_OFFERS = {"paperTinyAmount":1,"paperSmallAmount":3,"paperMediumAmount":10,"paperLargeAmount":25,"paperHugeAmount":50,"paperTinyBonus":0,"paperSmallBonus":15,"paperMediumBonus":35,"paperLargeBonus":50,"paperHugeBonus":100,"accTinyAmount":100,"accSmallAmount":300,"accMediumAmount":1000,"accLargeAmount":2500,"accHugeAmount":5000,"accTinyBonus":0,"accSmallBonus":15,"accMediumBonus":35,"accLargeBonus":50,"accHugeBonus":100}
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - IAP_SPECIAL_OFFER = null
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - ADS_ENABLED = true
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - IOS_OKJOY_SECRET_CODE_ENABLED = false
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - WIKI_URL =
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - IAP_GREEN_PAPER_MAX_PER_HOUR = 4000000
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - MULTIPLAYER_TEST_ENDPOINT = null
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - REWARDING_ADS_MODE = admob,appodeal
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - IAP_NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_COUNTRY = null
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - ANALYTICS_HOST = null
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - ANALYTICS_TOKEN = null
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - ANALYTICS_BUCKET = null
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  - ANALYTICS_ORG = null
00:17:37.487 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  preloading main menu scene
00:17:37.487 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (5/46)" in 0.48900002ms
00:17:37.487 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (6/46)
00:17:37.487 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (6/46)"
00:17:37.487 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 6/46 (AssetManager)
00:17:37.488 Asse...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  loading model models/scene.g3db on Shared Threads async executor 1
00:17:37.501 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  === creating new font, size: 21, resolution: 32.0, multiplier: 1.0, scale: 0.65625
00:17:37.509 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.510 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.510 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.512 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.513 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  === creating new font, size: 24, resolution: 32.0, multiplier: 1.0, scale: 0.75
00:17:37.513 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.514 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 364 - OK
00:17:37.515 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.516 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.516 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.516 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.517 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.518 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.519 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 366 - OK
00:17:37.521 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.525 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  === creating new font, size: 30, resolution: 32.0, multiplier: 1.0, scale: 0.9375
00:17:37.536 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  === creating new font, size: 36, resolution: 32.0, multiplier: 1.0, scale: 1.125
00:17:37.538 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.539 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.539 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.540 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.541 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.542 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 368 - OK
00:17:37.544 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.545 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.546 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.546 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.548 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  === creating new font, size: 60, resolution: 32.0, multiplier: 1.0, scale: 1.875
00:17:37.548 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.548 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (6/46)" in 60.944004ms
00:17:37.549 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.550 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 370 - OK
00:17:37.553 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.565 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.566 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.566 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.567 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.567 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.568 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 372 - OK
00:17:37.570 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.621 Sett...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  main menu scene preloaded
00:17:37.621 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (7/46)
00:17:37.621 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (7/46)"
00:17:37.621 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 7/46 (CursorGraphicsManager)
00:17:37.621 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (7/46)" in 0.033ms
00:17:37.621 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (8/46)
00:17:37.621 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (8/46)"
00:17:37.621 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 8/46 ()
00:17:37.621 Live...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  initializing
00:17:37.621 Live...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  restartPlaybackThread
00:17:37.621 Live...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  creating new audio device...
00:17:37.622 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.622 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.622 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.623 System      com...eside.tdi2  W  A resource failed to call close. 
00:17:37.624 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.625 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.626 AudioTrack  com...eside.tdi2  W  Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
00:17:37.626 AudioTrack  com...eside.tdi2  W  See the documentation of AudioTrack() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
00:17:37.626 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 374 - OK
00:17:37.628 Live...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  set up new audio device
00:17:37.629 Musi...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  music manager replaced
00:17:37.629 Live...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  started playback thread 9
00:17:37.629 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (8/46)" in 7.3440003ms
00:17:37.629 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (9/46)
00:17:37.629 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (9/46)"
00:17:37.629 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 9/46 (GameValueManager)
00:17:37.631 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (9/46)" in 2.5890002ms
00:17:37.631 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (10/46)
00:17:37.631 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (10/46)"
00:17:37.631 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 10/46 (AchievementManager)
00:17:37.632 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (10/46)" in 0.45000002ms
00:17:37.632 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (11/46)
00:17:37.632 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (11/46)"
00:17:37.632 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 11/46 (AnalyticsManager)
00:17:37.632 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (11/46)" in 0.30800003ms
00:17:37.632 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (12/46)
00:17:37.632 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (12/46)"
00:17:37.632 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 12/46 (AbilityManager)
00:17:37.632 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (12/46)" in 1.9750001ms
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (13/46)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (13/46)"
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 13/46 (StatisticsManager)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (13/46)" in 0.011000001ms
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (14/46)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (14/46)"
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 14/46 (ProgressManager)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (14/46)" in 0.046000004ms
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (15/46)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (15/46)"
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 15/46 (ReplayManager)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (15/46)" in 0.037ms
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (16/46)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (16/46)"
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 16/46 (LeaderBoardManager)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (16/46)" in 0.021000002ms
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (17/46)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (17/46)"
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 17/46 (MapManager)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (17/46)" in 0.032ms
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (18/46)
00:17:37.634 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (18/46)"
00:17:37.634 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 18/46 (EnemyManager)
00:17:37.635 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (18/46)" in 0.416ms
00:17:37.635 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (19/46)
00:17:37.635 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (19/46)"
00:17:37.635 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 19/46 (UnitManager)
00:17:37.635 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (19/46)" in 0.24200001ms
00:17:37.635 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (20/46)
00:17:37.635 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (20/46)"
00:17:37.635 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 20/46 (SoundManager)
00:17:37.635 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (20/46)" in 0.015000001ms
00:17:37.635 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (21/46)
00:17:37.635 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (21/46)"
00:17:37.635 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 21/46 (ShapeManager)
00:17:37.635 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (21/46)" in 0.013ms
00:17:37.635 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (22/46)
00:17:37.635 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (22/46)"
00:17:37.635 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 22/46 (TowerManager)
00:17:37.640 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (22/46)" in 4.6400003ms
00:17:37.640 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (23/46)
00:17:37.640 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (23/46)"
00:17:37.640 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 23/46 (MinerManager)
00:17:37.640 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (23/46)" in 0.418ms
00:17:37.640 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (24/46)
00:17:37.640 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (24/46)"
00:17:37.640 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 24/46 (ModifierManager)
00:17:37.640 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (24/46)" in 0.032ms
00:17:37.640 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (25/46)
00:17:37.640 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (25/46)"
00:17:37.640 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 25/46 (NetworkManager)
00:17:37.641 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (25/46)" in 0.99200004ms
00:17:37.641 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (26/46)
00:17:37.641 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (26/46)"
00:17:37.641 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 26/46 (TileManager)
00:17:37.642 Netw...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  prepareFullKryo called...
00:17:37.642 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (26/46)" in 0.46400002ms
00:17:37.642 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (27/46)
00:17:37.642 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (27/46)"
00:17:37.642 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 27/46 (GateManager)
00:17:37.642 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (27/46)" in 0.22100002ms
00:17:37.642 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (28/46)
00:17:37.642 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (28/46)"
00:17:37.642 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 28/46 (HttpManager)
00:17:37.642 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (28/46)" in 0.007ms
00:17:37.642 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (29/46)
00:17:37.642 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (29/46)"
00:17:37.642 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 29/46 (LocaleManager)
00:17:37.642 Netw...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  reading kryo-registry.txt...
00:17:37.647 Netw...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  found 837 classes in kryo-registry.txt
00:17:37.661 Netw...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  kryo registry loaded
00:17:37.667 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.668 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.668 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.670 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.671 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.672 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 376 - OK
00:17:37.674 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.675 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.676 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.676 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.676 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Locale set to: en_US, real locale: en_US
00:17:37.676 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (29/46)" in 33.825ms
00:17:37.676 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  locale: en_US
00:17:37.677 AuthManager com...eside.tdi2  I  preferences owner confirmed: U-HUKR-RW28-MLH37W
00:17:37.677 AuthManager com...eside.tdi2  I  owner id not changed: U-HUKR-RW28-MLH37W
00:17:37.677 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (30/46)
00:17:37.677 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (30/46)"
00:17:37.677 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 30/46 (PurchaseManager)
00:17:37.677 Purc...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  Has manager
00:17:37.678 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.679 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  downloading fresh translations for en_US
00:17:37.679 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (30/46)" in 2.6450002ms
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (31/46)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (31/46)"
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 31/46 (ItemManager)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (31/46)" in 0.30900002ms
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (32/46)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (32/46)"
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 32/46 (BasicLevelManager)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (32/46)" in 0.008ms
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (33/46)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (33/46)"
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 33/46 (BuffManager)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (33/46)" in 0.010000001ms
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (34/46)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (34/46)"
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 34/46 (UserMapManager)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (34/46)" in 0.0050000004ms
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (35/46)
00:17:37.680 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (35/46)"
00:17:37.680 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 35/46 (ResearchManager)
00:17:37.682 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 378 - OK
00:17:37.684 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.691 Purc...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  handleInstall
00:17:37.702 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (35/46)" in 22.036001ms
00:17:37.702 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (36/46)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (36/46)"
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 36/46 (TriggeredActionManager)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (36/46)" in 0.012ms
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (37/46)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (37/46)"
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 37/46 (TrophyManager)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (37/46)" in 0.008ms
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (38/46)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (38/46)"
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 38/46 (DailyQuestManager)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (38/46)" in 0.202ms
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (39/46)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (39/46)"
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 39/46 (ResourceManager)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (39/46)" in 0.006ms
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (40/46)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (40/46)"
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 40/46 (SecretCodeManager)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (40/46)" in 0.0050000004ms
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (41/46)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (41/46)"
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 41/46 (RatingManager)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (41/46)" in 0.015000001ms
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (42/46)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (42/46)"
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 42/46 (TowerStatManager)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (42/46)" in 0.0050000004ms
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (43/46)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (43/46)"
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 43/46 (UiManager)
00:17:37.703 UiManager   com...eside.tdi2  I  stage now handles all input
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (43/46)" in 0.069000006ms
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (44/46)
00:17:37.703 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (44/46)"
00:17:37.703 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 44/46 (DebugManager)
00:17:37.710 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  === creating new font, size: 16, resolution: 32.0, multiplier: 1.0, scale: 0.5
00:17:37.710 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (44/46)" in 7.1960006ms
00:17:37.712 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (45/46)
00:17:37.712 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (45/46)"
00:17:37.712 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 45/46 (ScriptManager)
00:17:37.712 Scri...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  loading LuaJ whitelist from file...
00:17:37.723 Scri...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  whitelist loaded in 11.004ms
00:17:37.727 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.727 Loca...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  locales are up to date
00:17:37.728 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.728 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.729 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.732 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.733 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 380 - OK
00:17:37.734 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.735 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.735 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.736 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.736 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.737 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.739 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 382 - OK
00:17:37.741 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.770 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.770 Scri...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  global environment init
00:17:37.771 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (45/46)" in 58.457005ms
00:17:37.771 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  loading: Setting up managers (46/46)
00:17:37.771 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  starting "Setting up managers (46/46)"
00:17:37.771 Game        com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up manager 46/46 (MessageManager)
00:17:37.771 Game...ader com...eside.tdi2  I  done "Setting up managers (46/46)" in 0.1ms
00:17:37.771 Andr...cher com...eside.tdi2  I  game loaded, package name: com.prineside.tdi2
00:17:37.771 Andr...cher com...eside.tdi2  I  app modified status: install dir: /data/app/~~6TqIeXIUvvgkUqSlOMjmkA==/com.prineside.tdi2-HTlBDPtRRoi92SMroKLhZg==/base.apk
                                              package name: com.prineside.tdi2
00:17:37.772 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.772 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.772 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.773 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.773 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.774 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.775 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.775 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.776 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.778 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 386 - OK
00:17:37.778 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 385 - OK
00:17:37.782 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.782 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.814 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.815 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.815 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.817 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.820 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.824 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 388 - OK
00:17:37.826 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.827 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.827 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.827 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.829 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.830 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.833 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 390 - OK
00:17:37.834 Andr...cher com...eside.tdi2  I  set view for popups
00:17:37.836 Andr...cher com...eside.tdi2  I  skip silent sign in - already signed in
00:17:37.837 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.868 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.869 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.869 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.870 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.872 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.873 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 392 - OK
00:17:37.877 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.893 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.893 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.893 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.895 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.897 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.899 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 394 - OK
00:17:37.901 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.921 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.923 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.923 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.923 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.925 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.926 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 396 - OK
00:17:37.928 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.935 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.936 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.937 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.938 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.939 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.940 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 398 - OK
00:17:37.940 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.941 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.941 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.941 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.942 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.943 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.943 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 400 - OK
00:17:37.944 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.951 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.951 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.951 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.952 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.953 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.954 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 402 - OK
00:17:37.956 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.957 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.958 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.958 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.959 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.959 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.960 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 404 - OK
00:17:37.962 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.972 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.973 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.973 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.974 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.975 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.976 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 406 - OK
00:17:37.977 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.986 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:37.987 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:37.987 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:37.988 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.989 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:37.990 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 408 - OK
00:17:37.992 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.001 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.001 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.001 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.003 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.004 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.005 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 410 - OK
00:17:38.007 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.008 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.009 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.009 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.010 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.011 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.012 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 412 - OK
00:17:38.014 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.020 Parcel      com...eside.tdi2  W  Expecting binder but got null!
00:17:38.020 NuMe...ctor com...eside.tdi2  E  initMediaExtractor: failed to create MediaExtractor
00:17:38.020 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  E  sf error code: -1010
00:17:38.020 Soun...ound com...eside.tdi2  E  doLoad: unable to load sound
00:17:38.021 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.022 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.022 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.024 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.025 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.026 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 414 - OK
00:17:38.027 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.036 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.037 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.037 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.040 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.040 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.042 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 416 - OK
00:17:38.044 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.053 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.055 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.055 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.055 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.057 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.057 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.058 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 419 - OK
00:17:38.058 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.058 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.059 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.059 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.059 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.060 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 420 - OK
00:17:38.062 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.070 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.071 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.071 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.072 Load...reen com...eside.tdi2  I  disposed
00:17:38.072 Scre...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  isLocaleSet true en_US
00:17:38.072 Main...reen com...eside.tdi2  I  app is not modified
00:17:38.073 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.074 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.075 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 422 - OK
00:17:38.077 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.079 Reso...Pack com...eside.tdi2  I  === creating new font, size: 18, resolution: 32.0, multiplier: 1.0, scale: 0.5625
00:17:38.079 Musi...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  started menu music
00:17:38.080 UiManager   com...eside.tdi2  I  stage now handles all input
00:17:38.081 Dail...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  requesting from server
00:17:38.090 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.091 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.091 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.092 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.094 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.095 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 424 - OK
00:17:38.095 Scre...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  setting screen: MainMenuScreen
00:17:38.095 Pref...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  real lag progress: 0.10ms
00:17:38.095 Pref...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  real lag settings: 0.04ms
00:17:38.097 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.098 SP_Rating   com...eside.tdi2  I  save lastResponse 0
00:17:38.098 SP_Rating   com...eside.tdi2  I  save responseTimestamp 0 / 1742858258098
00:17:38.098 Pref...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  progress properties saved to disk
00:17:38.099 Pref...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  settings properties saved to disk
00:17:38.107 AppLovinSdk com...eside.tdi2  E  [PersistentPostbackQueueSaveTask] Postbacks queue file does not exist.
00:17:38.107 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.109 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.109 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.110 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.112 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.115 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 426 - OK
00:17:38.116 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.130 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.131 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.132 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.132 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.133 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.133 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.133 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.134 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.134 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.148 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.149 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 429 - OK
00:17:38.150 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 430 - OK
00:17:38.151 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.151 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.159 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.160 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.160 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.160 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.161 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.162 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 432 - OK
00:17:38.164 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.168 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.169 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.169 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.170 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.171 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.173 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 434 - OK
00:17:38.174 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.186 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.187 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.187 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.188 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.190 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.191 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 436 - OK
00:17:38.193 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.193 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.194 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.194 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.197 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.198 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.199 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 438 - OK
00:17:38.203 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.211 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.212 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.212 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.214 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.215 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.216 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 440 - OK
00:17:38.217 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.233 Live...ager com...eside.tdi2  I  creating new spectrum generator com.prineside.tdi2.managers.MusicManager$SpectrumConfig@94d2bad { frequencies (11): [[0.0,20.0],[20.0,55.0],[55.0,110.0],[110.0,220.0],[220.0,440.0],[440.0,880.0],[880.0,1760.0],[1760.0,3520.0],[3520.0,7040.0],[7040.0,14080.0],[14080.0,28160.0]], fixedMaxValue: 0.0, maxValueEasing: 0.998 }
00:17:38.235 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.236 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.236 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.238 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.239 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.241 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 442 - OK
00:17:38.243 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.243 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.244 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.244 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.245 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.247 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.249 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 444 - OK
00:17:38.251 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.253 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.254 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.254 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.255 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.257 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.258 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 446 - OK
00:17:38.260 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.278 AudioSystem com...eside.tdi2  I  4DVibration: audio track created for uid:10591  package:com.prineside.tdi2
00:17:38.279 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.280 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.280 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.281 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.283 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.284 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 448 - OK
00:17:38.287 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [c2.qti.hevc.decoder#53] onWorkDone: updating max output delay 19
00:17:38.287 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.298 Parcel      com...eside.tdi2  W  Expecting binder but got null!
00:17:38.298 NuMe...ctor com...eside.tdi2  E  initMediaExtractor: failed to create MediaExtractor
00:17:38.298 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  E  sf error code: -1010
00:17:38.298 Soun...ound com...eside.tdi2  E  doLoad: unable to load sound
00:17:38.379 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
00:17:38.382 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
00:17:38.382 CCodec      com...eside.tdi2  I  Created component []
00:17:38.385 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.388 CCod...nfig com...eside.tdi2  I  query failed after returning 8 values (BAD_INDEX)
00:17:38.389 libc        com...eside.tdi2  A  Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x38 in tid 27236 (LibGDX renderin), pid 27151 (.prineside.tdi2)
00:17:38.406 CCod...nnel com...eside.tdi2  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 450 - OK
00:17:38.407 .pri...tdi2 com...eside.tdi2  W  AIBinder_linkToDeath is being called with a non-null cookie and no onUnlink callback set. This might not be intended. AIBinder_DeathRecipient_setOnUnlinked should be called first.
Nubia10pro-crash_logs.txt (129,187 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-25 01:38 Stalkjer New Issue
2025-03-25 01:38 Stalkjer File Added: Nubia10pro-crash_logs.txt