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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002618Infinitode 2[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2025-01-04 22:39
ReporterPr0z4C Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformMobileOSAndroidOS VersionAny
Product Version1.9.2 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002618: Buckshot applied to hard enemies

If multishot tower fires at enemies it can target and a hard enemy is hit by chance, the hard enemy will get the buckshot coin icon applied although multi shot is not able to target it directly.
In general: if a tower cannot target an enemy type it should not be able to apply any buff, even if hit by chance.

Steps To Reproduce

Have hard and other enemies in range of multishot (with buckshot), if hard enemy is hit, buff is applied. At least the icon, not obvious if it also had effect.

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2024-11-27 12:05


Screenshot_2024-11-27-10-51-55-63_524b7b852208d0649cfb48b84a853a67.jpg (449,999 bytes)


2024-11-27 14:18

reporter   ~0002737

Confirmation: hard enemies profit from buckshot and give more money



2024-11-28 07:41

reporter   ~0002738


unknown.png (91,557 bytes)
unknown.png (91,557 bytes)


2024-12-28 12:29

reporter   ~0002742

On the other hand you could argue the strong enemies still eat the bullet so the effect should apply like on anything else that is hit. Enemies where Multishot is only 50% effective also get 100% of the buckshot effect (i think xd), so why not enemies with 0% as well.



2025-01-04 22:39

reporter   ~0002746

why can’t accept earnings Stonks from the Strong? Coins bonus effect is not like the freeze effect.

The freeze effect is offensive support.
it hinders the performance of the enemy. so it makes sense for it to be relative with tower vs enemies efficiencies.

while coins bonus does no harm on the enemy physical and mental state. It rather increases it value
So it shouldn’t be relative to the tower vs enemies efficiencies .

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-27 12:05 Pr0z4C New Issue
2024-11-27 12:05 Pr0z4C File Added: Screenshot_2024-11-27-10-51-55-63_524b7b852208d0649cfb48b84a853a67.jpg
2024-11-27 14:18 Pr0z4C Note Added: 0002737
2024-11-28 07:41 omega File Added: unknown.png
2024-11-28 07:41 omega Note Added: 0002738
2024-12-28 12:29 ajsasflaym Note Added: 0002742
2025-01-04 22:39 925uth Note Added: 0002746