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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002473Infinitode 2[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2024-07-22 23:21
Reporterajsasflaym Assigned Totherainycat  
PrioritylowSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMobileOSAndroidOS VersionAny
Product Version1.9.0 (Season 3) 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002473: on-screen Keyboard does not close automatically after signing in

just a minor inconvenience, if you directly tap on the "Sign in"-Button after entering your Login+Password, the keyboard will not automatically close like you would expect it to, it will stay on the screen and cover two thirds of your profile page (where there is nothing to type) until you manually close it.

Again, behaves like this on my Android phone, may be different for others

Steps To Reproduce

sign in without closing the on-screen keyboard

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-07-20 23:44 ajsasflaym New Issue
2024-07-21 02:03 therainycat Assigned To => therainycat
2024-07-21 02:03 therainycat Status new => confirmed
2024-07-22 23:21 therainycat Status confirmed => resolved
2024-07-22 23:21 therainycat Resolution open => fixed