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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002087Infinitode 2 Ideas[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2022-05-10 14:51
ReporterKillerIKY Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0002087: Lv10 2nd Upgrade

This is my first post, any mistakes will be noted.

Basic Tower - "Stunning Shots": Formula: 10% Stun + (UpgradeCount / 2)
Sniper - "Homing Doom": Shoots 3 Auto-Targetting Beams to random enemies, each dealing 65% damage of tower.
Cannon - "Sharp Edges": Enemies near tower will get damaged by 10% damage of tower and with speed 1 seconds.
Freezing - "Code Freezer": Freezes first enemy in range for Freezing% time, and recharges (Freezing Speed 5) seconds.
Anti-Air - "Edgy Bullets": If Enemy Speed is >1,0 tps, then pierce enemy, dealing 50% damage to next one.
Splash - "Bullet Help": Fire Rate
Blast - "Launching Blast": Every fifth shot, pushes enemy back by (damge / 10) tiles, bosses aren't affected.
Multishot - "Loyal Projectiles": Every shot that hit enemy comes back to tower and shoots again, dealing 5% less damage; Cap is 5 boomerang shots.
Minigun - "Slow-mo": With maximum speed, slows enemies which halves their speed for (damage / 10) seconds
Venom - "Snake Poison": Poison damage x2.0, shell damage x0.5
Tesla - "Gauss Coils": Every 1 second charges one of 3 coils, damage x5.0
Missile - "Chameleon": Every 5 seconds, changes it's color to nearest enemy, which makes other enemies take 25% damage and the same color enemies take 200% damage
Flamethrower - "Fire Works": Every 10 seconds, while no enemies in range, shoots firework similar to rocket, which explodes in range of 3 tiles and deals damage (200 damage of tower)
Laser - "Occupation": For every tower nearby, gets 10% damage bonus and 10% less rotation speed
Gauss - "Overcharge": Doubles charging speed and resourse usage, triples damage and deals at least 10% of damage to any enemy type.
Crusher - "Glass Enemies": After enemy destoryed 20% to shoot 4 shards in different directions with damage (tower xp level

Adding these or not - entirely up to you (Copying this post is not good, i am gonna scream!)

Steps To Reproduce


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TagsIdea, Tower abilities


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-05-10 14:51 KillerIKY New Issue
2022-05-10 14:51 KillerIKY Tag Attached: Idea
2022-05-10 14:51 KillerIKY Tag Attached: Tower abilities