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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002053Infinitode 2[All Projects] Infinitode 2public2023-03-29 13:48
ReporterLdream Assigned Totherainycat  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformDesktopOSWindowsOS VersionAny
Product Version 
Target Version1.8.8Fixed in Version1.8.8 
Summary0002053: experience modifier drain the resource but don't increase xp in easy mode

idk whether this is a feature or a bug, but it actually happened.
experience modifier uses the resource but don't increase xp in easy mode
(video attached in the note)

is the timer of modifier_experience & overload seperated by other timer?
And that timer isn't stopped cause this problem?

Steps To Reproduce
  1. Goto EASY mode
  2. build miner&tower&experience_modifier
  3. wait in any interval of wave until time goes to 0
  4. the miner starts to drain the resource, but the tower doesn't get any exp.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0002165 closedtherainycat The Experience modifier works when it shouldn't 




2022-03-15 08:34


Bug of experience modifier.mp4 (1,338,361 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-03-15 08:34 Ldream New Issue
2022-03-15 08:34 Ldream File Added: Bug of experience modifier.mp4
2023-03-17 12:08 therainycat Assigned To => therainycat
2023-03-17 12:08 therainycat Status new => acknowledged
2023-03-17 12:31 therainycat Relationship added has duplicate 0002165
2023-03-17 23:14 therainycat Status acknowledged => assigned
2023-03-17 23:59 therainycat Target Version => 1.8.8
2023-03-29 13:48 therainycat Status assigned => resolved
2023-03-29 13:48 therainycat Resolution open => fixed
2023-03-29 13:48 therainycat Fixed in Version => 1.8.8